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Friday, August 7, 2009

Smarty Alert: Tweet Tweet

By Katie M

Have you been hearing our tweets? Well, we are officially on Twitter and tweeting about once a day - so if you tweet too - then please look us up and follow us!

We are totally new to this social media phenomenon (so bear with us), but we figured you've embraced us on the web, and on Facebook, so why not on Twitter too? Rachel and I are sharing the tweeting responsibilities, and we are focused on giving our Twitter followers the latest sales and deals as we find them, plus Smarty Alerts and other news as we see fit.

So, look us up and join our followers. We'll follow you too! Just click on the Twitter link at the top right of our web site and search for us under TriadSmartyPant (yep, just "pant" not "pants"). And our sister site Charlotte Smarty Pants is also tweeting as "CharlotteSmarty" (without their "pants") so look them up too!

Thanks for being a loyal TSP reader, and hopefully a loyal TSP tweet follower too :)


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