Sunday, August 2, 2009
Classes from our Sponsors
By Rachel H
Lyndhurst Gynecologic Associates and Brenner Children’s Hospital each have some educational classes coming up that I thought would be worth mentioning. They seem very informative and definitely focus on topics that moms and moms-to-be want to know more about. Take a look at the following and make sure you call to register ASAP as space is limited...
Infant CPR offered by Lyndhurst Gynecologic Associates
Saturdays from 9am-noon (September 12, 26, October 3, 10, November 28, December 5, 19)
Sundays from 1-4pm (September 13, 27, October 4, 11, November 29, December 6, 20)
Cost is $25 per person for this three hour course. It is taught by Lyndhurst nurses who are certified Instructors of the American Red Cross. Course is designed for parents, grandparents, siblings, and caregivers who do not require a course completion card.
Call 765-7537extension 181 to register. Please do not bring small children or infants to the class.
Address: 2927 Lyndhurst Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27103
Breastfeeding: Keeping it Simple offered by Lyndhurst Gynecologic Associates
September 19, 9am-noon
October 24, 9am – noon
December TBA
Cost - $25 You will learn the basics about breastfeeding, answers to common questions, and solutions to common problems.
Call Lauri Cox to register. 462-2986
Address: 2927 Lyndhurst Avenue, Winston-Salem, NC 27103Food Face-off offered by Best Health Kids
How much do you know about the food you eat? Join this fun food trivia challenge for ages 11 and 12 and their parents. Best Health dietician Amy Fanjoy will lead this class.
Wednesday, August 12th 11am
Class is free! Call 716-2255 to register. Class will be held at BestHealth in Hanes Mall, WS.
Street Smarts for Kids offered by Best Health Kids
This program is for children ages 5-12 and their parents. The Winston-Salem Police Department will present vital information on gun safety, stranger danger, and other important safety tips in a fun, interactive format.
Wednesday, August 19th 6pm
Class is free! Call 716-2255 to register. Class will be held at BestHealth in Hanes Mall, WS.
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